Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Snorkelling & Luau - Part 2

OK, I have found a new feature to use on this Blog, I can now also upload video clips, so here are a few from yesterday. One of the Turtle and some of the Luau.

Our friendly turtle

Arrival at the Luau

Some nice little movers!!

Snorkelling and a Luau

The hog is carried to the kitchen....and an empty pit!

The pit where the hog is roasted

Local crafts

An idyllic spot for lunch

America's Cup yacht....America 2.

Catch of the day.....Mmmm which one????

Huge banyan tree in the centre of town....providing very welcome shade from the 80deg heat.

Lahaina main street!

Run Forrest run!!!!

The harbour at Lahaina

Ouch! that wall was SO hot!!!!

Feeding time for the sparrows!.......my hand in the one above.

One of the many sea turtles

Our snorkelling boat in the harbour

Mon was a busy day for us on Maui!

We had to be up at 6am as we were booked on a snorkelling trip across the bay to a tiny island called Molokini, which was the crater of a submerged volcano.
We've probably seen more colourful & varied fish & coral elsewhere, but it was still amazing as the water was so clear, but the best bit of all was that we were swimming around lots of sea turtles, who kept coming close to us to have a look!
We were warned that if we touched them we could be liable to a hefty fine, as they're a protected species, but the turtles don't know that, & it was like they were saying...'go on, I dare you!'

When we were sailing back, we were given little pieces of blueberry muffin to hold up & all these dear wee sparrows were flying with the boat & landing on our hands....we were very close to land at this point and they've got it sussed!

Back to the apartment for a shower & change of clothes, then we drove round the west coast of the island to Lahaina, which is a delightful town in a beautiful setting. Lots of gift shops, restaurants & bars. A dock area with loads of boats of all shapes & sizes, many of them charter fishing boats.

Spent the afternoon there till 5pm when we headed for the Luau.

This is basically a Hawaiian hog roast with entertainment.....but it's done so well with authentic island dances, chanting & singing & the beating of drums...it's magical.
The food's pretty good too!
It was lovely as we were right by the sea & we could watch the sun setting as well....wonderful!

Today is our last full day on Maui....where has the time gone???
Planning to have a lazy one by the pool, then tomorrow we head off in the morning to fly to Kauai, via Honolulu....2 short hops, then we'll be on our last Hawaiian island.