Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Oahu heaven!

Marion here......well I've dreamt of this for so many years & now I'm finally here!
Easy 6 hour flight from Phoenix & arrived Honolulu mid afternoon local time.....11 hours behind the UK. Stopping for a few days en route has certainly helped to ease the jetlag.

Beautiful temperature, scenery & accommodation....check out this amazing apartment overlooking Pearl peaceful & a world away from Waikiki Beach....though we will be exploring that side of Hawaii at the weekend!

We picked up our car at the airport & were thrilled to find we'd been upgraded to an almost brand new, black Jeep....Trev's really made up!! Photos of this will follow!

Turned on the radio & the 1st song on the radio station we chose was Elvis 'Burning Love'.....welcome to Hawaii....Aloha!!


  1. SO EXCITED for you Marion, it looks beautiful, soak it all up xXx

  2. Oh wow it all looks so great we must exchange notes when we meet up at Roberts 60th in June. Sue x

  3. Ha, i love how excited you sound Marion! Have a great time.

  4. Hey Trish, is that a life vest you have on in your photo? Trevor x
