Thursday, May 13, 2010

As they say in these Islands, Hang Loose!

Aloha...... from Hawaii, is anyone out there still following our travel blog?

If so I must apologise, Marion has been very remise in not updating the blog over the past couple of days, but to be fair they have been very hectic for her, as we have visited the Volcano National Park on Big Island (Hawaii) for a day and have now travelled onto our next island, Maui.

I will ensure Marion downloads some more photos tomorrow, if not I will have to do them myself in between practicising how to make Mai Tai cocktails, we now have all of the ingredients.

Trevor (Hic)


  1. We've just caught up with your blog been out of wifi range last few days :( I know what you mean about is there anybody out there. We have 18 followers and hardly any comments but they tell me in e mails they are following and enjoying !
    Enjoy the Mai Tai or 2 or 3 or........
    S x

  2. Just catching up with your travel log and still with you!! Well in spirit (Mai Tai!!) if not in body.....
