Sunday, May 9, 2010

Downtown Honolulu & Hanauma Bay

We had a lazier morning today, as we slept so well last night after our exertions yesterday, but by late morning we were off again!
This time we headed for Downtown Honolulu, which is the business district, so Sunday is the perfect time to explore this area as there was no-one there!
It's really nice with wide, palmtree-lined streets, some lovely old buildings among the skyscrapers, and the Royal Palace & statue of one of the Kings.
We also visited the Aloha Tower by the dock area, which is an upmarket shopping area with some nice bars & restaurants.

The hibiscus which is the national flower, is so beautiful, & grows like hedges along the roadsides.

There were some Banyan trees there too & they're called 'walking trees' as they shoot down roots from their branches in search of water, which look like lots of legs!

Early afternoon we headed to Hanauma Bay, which is a national park & a protected area, famous for snorkelling & for being the setting for the beach scenes in 'Blue Hawaii'!

We both did a bit of snorkelling & saw lots of interesting fish, & also some wildlife on land as well!
It's a truly beautiful spot.

1 comment:

  1. All sounds so wonderful. The colour of the sky and sea remind us of The Maldives. The "walking" trees are amazing. I guess the water is wonderfully warm for snorkelling. M & S x
