Sunday, May 9, 2010

The glorious Hawaiian scenery

The View to Waikiki from the top of Diamond Head Crater.

99 Steps Up & 99 Steps Down!

Hanauma Bay

Halona Blow Hole

The Windward East Coast

Lanakai Beach

The Special Small Beach we found at the end of Lanakai Beach.

I realise I got my days mixed up as it was Friday that we did the Polynesian CC, but hey I'm on holiday, what does time matter!!
Yesterday, Saturday, we went on a drive across the island to the east coast & had a lazy couple of hours on Lanakai Beach, which was absolutely idyllic.
On the way we came through some stunning scenery of high jagged peaks & lush vegetation, then the view of that stunning blue sea just takes your breath away.
We first of all found this tiny little beach, which we thought was private, till a really nice guy came over & had a chat with us. It wasn't private but we felt a bit isolated, so we moved on to the bigger beach.

After that we drove round the coast seeing some fabulous scenery on the way....including the incredible Halona blow holes near Sandy Beach.
We parked up at Hanauma Beach & looked down, but didn't pay to go in as it was getting late in the day, but hope to go there today.

We then drove up to Diamond Head, the volcanic crater that overlooks Honolulu, & climbed up to the viewing platform....phew what a trek, especially in 80deg heat....steep paths, over 100 steps & through 2 dark tunnels, but it was well worth it, as the view was awesome!

Needless to say we didn't venture from our apartment that evening & we both slept like logs!!


  1. Oh my gosh this all looks wonderful, the beautiful blue sky and sea. I forgot to say that we will have to have a demo of your Hula dancing in June !
    Sue x

  2. No problem Sue, just remember to wear your grass skirt! Tx

  3. More spectacular pics.......
