Saturday, May 8, 2010

Polynesian Cultural Centre

Here we are learning to Hula!!!!

Our apartment is called Rainbow Inn....we found out why after a shower of rain!

Thurs was a brilliant day as we went to the Polynesian Cultural Centre, which I've known about for years as it features in Elvis's film 'Paradise Hawaiian Style', so needless to say I was really looking forward to this.
We set off fairly early as it's about an hour's drive from our apartment, on the NE of the island. On the way we drove through the centre of Oahu & passed the Dole pineapple plantation, & again for the Elvis fans reading this.....think 'Blue Hawaii'....just exactly as it was portrayed in the film, even down to the pickers in the fields!

We got to the PCC & had about an hour to kill before it opened so we found this fantastic beach & chilled out there for a while.

We then spent the day touring the PCC in a group of about 12 with our own guide, & we started with a ride on a canoe.....which will mean something to the Elvis fans!!

It was fascinating to learn about all the different cultures of the South Pacific Islands & be entertained by their people.

There was a wonderful canoe parade, a great dinner & the most amazing show in the evening....quite spectacular!

We got back at nearly 10.30pm...totally exhausted!!


  1. Sounds like you did the Ambassador package. I love the PCC. Been 8 times but discover something new each visit!

  2. I can now understand exactly what you mean now's a magical place. As part of the tour we were taken backstage of the theatre & across the stage where Elvis cool is that!

  3. Actually when it says 'Trevor Meech' posting it's usually me!!

  4. Oh wow that sounds a fab day. I realise now what you were trying to say when we had the Skype call. I'm dead keen to get to Hawaii now. We have good internet now so will be able to catch up on your excitement in Hawaii and also up date our blog. Been quite a long day ravelling to the other side of West Virginia with high winds and POTHOLES !!! Himself having a nap. Carry on having a great time. Love Sue x

  5. The Polynesian Culture Center certainly was a must, it does look wonderful and special. Marion, bet you loved being on the stage where Elvis performed - lucky you.
