Friday, May 7, 2010

Pearl Harbour & Waikiki

He seems to creep in wherever we go!
Elvis statue at the Blaisdell Centre where the Aloha Concert was broadcast from.
USS Missouri
USS Arizona Memorial Pearl Harbour
Boys and their Toys!
What an amazing day!
We both woke up about 5.30am...still jetlagged with another 3 hour change since coming to Hawaii!
No problem though, as things seem to kick off early here, so by 8.30am we were at Pearl Harbour, which actually opens at 7.45am.....and it was already quite busy.
Really enjoyed the tour of the USS Arizona Memorial & it was very moving to hear all the details of the bombing & how many lost their lives. It was eerie to see the rusted parts of the ship that are above water & the outline of the rest of it under the water.
What I hadn't appreciated is that the Memorial forms a 'bridge' at right angles over the ship.
The really amazing thing is that you still see patches of oil seeping from the sunken engines, which after nearly 60 years is incredible, especially as it burned for 3 whole days. People refer to these oil patches as 'black tears'.
We also did a tour of the USS Missouri, one of the last battleships built for the 2nd WW, & used finally in the Gulf war in 1991.
We were there for over 5 hours.....phew!!

We came back to our apartment for lunch & Trev's 40winks, then headed to Honolulu & Waikiki Beach.
On the way we stopped at the Neal S. Blaisdell Centre where Elvis performed his 'Aloha from Hawaii' show ...the 1st worldwide live satellite performance, & where there is now a statue, then on into Waikiki.
Well I think this will be our one & only visit......much too hectic for us oldies, but it had to be seen.
I kept pointing out to Trev that there were lots of bars doing 'Happy Hours', but we ended up in the Mai Tai beach bar of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel, where I had to have a Mai Tai.....but no happy hour.....oops!

Watched the sunset then headed back to our oasis of calm!!


  1. You squeezed a lot it!

    So cool for you to see the statue and the place Aloha all happened.

    The beach looks gorgeous.


  2. It's a real shame that they took down the plaque stating that Elvis raised the money for the Arizona Memorial. Non-Elvis fans just don't realise what a kind heart he had.
    Have they finished the new visitor centre there yet? Two years ago they were talking about it when we were there but I didn't visit the memorial last year.
    One last thing... make sure you try a Tropical Itch at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. Both Briget and I lost the use of our legs after drinking one!

  3. The visitor centre is due to be finished later this year...under construction at the moment. Yes I'd heard that there used to be a plaque about Elvis's donation but it had been removed...I agree such a shame.
    Not sure we'll get back to the Royal Hawaiian, but I'll check that cocktail out somewhere else....the Mai Tai was pretty potenet though, especially on an empty stomach!!

  4. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pics. Hawaii looks very special. One day I would love to go but I know that is only a dream. Looks like you are having a super time and can't wait to hear all about it when you get back - enjoy and make the most of your time there.

    Lots of love
    Helga xxx
